Innovative trade fair and congress format
The CIRPLEX (Circular Plastics Experience Summit) is a novel combination of congress and trade fair. Sustainable and circular plastics solutions in the Alps-Adriatic region are presented in one location. This unique space connects start-ups with industry leaders. CIRPLEX is the hotspot for decision-makers in the plastics industry from Austria, the Alps-Adriatic region, southern Germany and central and south-eastern Europe.
Congress Programme
13 May 2025
- Exclusive networking pre-event at Lake Wörthersee (by personal invitation only!)
14 May 2025 – 1st day
- Opening Cirplex – Congress Theater
- Matchmaking Event – Cradle-ALP
- Klaus Ries (Vice President Business Management Styrenics, BASF SE)
Title: Closed Loop – The Holy Grail? - Thomas Rau (Expert in the field fo Circular Evonomy)
Title: The Next Chapter - Panel discussion with Virginia Janssens (Plastics Europe), Peter Hodecek, MBA (Member EuRIC – European Recycling Industries Confederation), Gerold Breuer (EREMA Group, Head of Marketing & Cooporate Development)
Title: How can Europe regain its pioneering role in the plastics industry – both internally and in global competition? - Erwin Smole (Member of Executive Board STW Klagenfurt) and Berthold Baurek-Karlic (CEO Venionaire Capital)
Title: InvestCEC – Circular Economy as a Growth Engine: Opportunities for Businesses and Investors - Aljosa Krizman (EVP and Head of BEWI Circular)
Title: Closing the loop with BEWI - Peter Nitschke (Director of Impact Partnerships at Plastic Bank)
Title: Social Plastic® und Plastic Credits: Sustainability as a competitive advantage - Panel discussion: Marta Pastres (ABA Invest in Austria), Marzia Di Bella-Negi ( BABEG Success in Carinthia), Nicole Holzbauer (Invest in Klagenfurt), Natascha Zmerzlikar (Invest in Klagenfurt)
Title: Promoting Green Tech in Austria: Business & Innovation Opportunities in Plastics - Paolo Garbagna (Professor at University of Pavia)
Title: On Thin Ice: The Daily Corporate Struggle to Navigate Between Greenwashing and Genuine Sustainability - Panel discussion Lindner and EREMA
Title: New Standards in Plastics Recycling and Process Efficiency - Herbert Tanner (Head of Software Development in Digital Industries, Siemens Austria)
Title: The power of digital transformation for sustainability - Network meeting with regional delicacies – Congress Theater
15 May 2025 – 2nd day
- Life Experience Tours to LINDNER-RECYCLINGTECH GMBH, HIRSCH Servo AG, KRM Kunststoff-Recycling-Maschinen GmbH & SynCycle Operations GmbH
- Matchmaking Event – Cradle-ALP
- Ingo Sartorius, Managing Director BKV GmbH
Titel: Contribution of plastics to carbon circularity - Andreas Witschnigg (R&D Product Development PreZero Polymers Austria)
Title: Mechanical Recycling of Household Packaging Waste – Opportunities, risks and achievements under legislative targets - Round Table: Karoline Moosbauer (Business Development Manager Reuse, Greiner Packaging), Corinna Franz (Marketing & Sales Assistant, Starlinger) Josefina Bölting (Sales & Business Development Manager CCL Label)
Title: Cooperation in the value chain’ using the example of packaging - Maja Mešl (Head of Career center and International office Slovenija)
Title: Circular polymer solutions – developments and activities in Slovenia - Macello Colledani (Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Politecnico di Milano)
Title: Ongoing Industrial Demonstration Activities in DeremCo: High-Value Recycling of Composite Materials and their Re-use within and Beyond the Original Application Scenario - Joachim Kircher (Director Ernst & Young denkstatt Gmbh)
Titel: 6 blocks for the transition of the plastics industry - Peter Marschalek (Managing Director Digital Excellence GmbH) und EDIH-OFI
Title: AI in practice — Using artificial intelligence to make your business sustainable. - Markus Brillinger (Pro2future)
Title: Making the invisible visible: patented torque measurement as the key to optimising efficiency, wear and screw design in plastics extrusion - Elke Metzsch-Zilligen (Director Division Plastics | Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF)
Title: From Waste to Resource: Improving Recyclate Quality for High-Performance Applications - Clemens Holzer (Head of Polymer Processing, Head of the Department Polymer Engineering and Science Montanuniversitaet Leoben)
Title: How we are saving the world with plastics - Start-up presentation
Growth potential due to pent-up demand
Our partners and exhibitors
Graphics for download and further use
Your opportunity for B2B meetings!
Register and book your 20 minutes 1:1 meeting slots with potential partners for collaboration. During this event you will be able to network with entrepreneurs, startups, industry leaders and research institutions from the Alpine Space and Adria Regions, Central and Southeast Europe.
REGISTER for Cradle-ALP Matchmaking
How does it work?
- Register here: Cradle-ALP – Circular Alpine Space community (B2Match) from March 21st, 2025
- Publish your profile: establish your clear and easy to understand business profile (only visible for other participants).
- Select interesting participant profiles: Go to the list of participants and discover interesting and promising dialogue partners for you.
- Send and receive meeting requests
- Matchmaking event: Meet at agreed date, time and assigned table no.; you will find the list of your meetings
B2B Matchmaking time slots available from:
- 14 May 2025: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
- 15 May 2025: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
Ticket prices
Day admission adults | EUR 25,- |
Online adults | EUR 20,- |
Teenagers (15-19 years) | EUR 9,- |
Online teenagers (15-19 years) | EUR 5,- |
Children up to 14 years | free |
Groups of 10 or more (per person) | EUR 10,- |
Online groups of 10 people or more (per person) | EUR 7,- |
Visitor car park | EUR 7,- |
Data and facts
Exhibition space
Live-Experience Tours
Fitness & Power
Werde gemeinsam mit uns fit! Wir laden dich ein aktiv am Training auf der Bühne mitzumachen – Umkleidekabinen und Duschen sind vor Ort!
- Under Armour HIT Training, Stretching, Modenschau
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Piloxing
- Schautrainings
Besucherfolder & Programm
Wellness & Fitness
Fitness-, Sport- und Therapiegeräte – Infrarotkabinen, Saunen, Solarien, Whirlpools – Kuranstalten, Thermen, Wellnesshotels – Thermenregionen
Gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung
Bio- und Naturprodukte – Ernährungsberatung – Gesunde Lebens- und Genussmittel – Gesundes Abnehmen, Heilfasten – Nahrungsergänzungsprodukte
Schönheit & Wohlbefinden
Fußpflege – Haar- und Körperpflege – Kosmetik – Schlank & Fit – Schmuck und Accessoires – Schönheitssalons
Vorsorge und medizinische Beratung
Kammern und Innungen – Bandagisten – Gesundheits- und Therapiezentren – Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung – Rotes Kreuz – Seh- und Hörhilfen – Sozialversicherungsträger
Hauskrankenhilfe, Hauskrankenpflegeartikel – Mobilitätshilfen – Rehabilitation (Physiotherapie/Ergotherapie) – Sanitär- und Rehahilfen
Naturheilkunde & Alternativmedizin
Akupunktur, Akupressur – Aroma- und Farblichttherapie – Bachblütentherapie – Fußreflexzonenmassage – Homöopathie – Magnetfeldtherapie – Massagetechniken – Shiatsu – Osteopathie
Natürliches Wohnen
Biologische Reinigungsmittel – Feng Shui Beratung – Gesundes Schlafen – Schafwollprodukte
Bestseller von Gesundheitsexperten – Entspannungsmusik – Lesenswertes zum Thema „Gesund Leben“
Gesund leben & gleichzeitig glücklich
Parallel zur GESUND LEBEN findet die “19. Österreichische Messe für Körper, Geist & Seele” statt.
Alle Aussteller und Vorträge finden Sie unter www.gesundemesse.eu
More trade fairs
4:28 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm